Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pet Burrow Bed If You Rescued Your Dog From An Abusive Situation, What Were His/her Circumstances?

If you rescued your dog from an abusive situation, what were his/her circumstances? - pet burrow bed

We've recently bought a miniature dachshund one years old, from a family who have kept it in an airline fund the bulk of his life. Because of their isolation, had some major problems in dealing with people. I firmly believe in crate training. It was not just a situation of crate training. It was outside their little box on the left, and not at all socialized, has shown some major aggression problems with strangers.

It makes Progess slowly, and enjoy a new life with her two brothers German Shepherd. Their days are spent playing in the yard and chasing butterflies and terrorize the Chipmunks. Finally, we have what they know, toys and loves to be petted. She has her own bed under a duvet doxie ditch.

Physically he was not beaten, but mentally is actually a specific number. Let him seek professional help if necessary. She is always home with us, so do not give up.

What are your experiences with rescued animals?

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